
Cracking the Difficulty of Group Management in Mixing Plants

Cracking the Difficulty of Group Management in Mixing Plants

When the mixing plant develops from a single site to a multi site group company, it will face more new challenges in management. Once the management mode becomes rigid, it is extremely easy to cause redundant waste of human and material resources, as well as risks such as untimely and opaque information transmission. Therefore, digital transformation and upgrading have become a necessary path for group companies to achieve efficient management.

1. Process change: Group centralized procurement and management, remote scheduling and control, with sub stations mainly responsible for production

Change the independent business processes between sites, and unify the management and allocation of resources by the group. By integrating procurement, production, scheduling, technology, logistics, finance and other integrated systems, vertical management from the group company to each production line is achieved, and deeper cooperation and integration are achieved between departments and sites.

2. Scheduling management: Unified scheduling by the group, with zero scheduling personnel at each substation

This can effectively save the allocation of scheduling personnel and reduce long-term telephone communication and coordination; 100% traceability of returned and transferred materials allows scheduling to refocus on the scheduling work itself; Implement cross site vehicle scheduling within the system and allocate production capacity reasonably.

3. Production management: One machine dual control+remote control at the headquarters, with zero operators at each substation

The group version management system deeply integrates a one machine dual control+remote control system, connecting the weighing scale with production material consumption. It can also maintain stable and smooth production even from tens of kilometers away, ensuring safety and environmental protection, saving money and people. The sub station will no longer have operators, and safety production will be ensured through monitoring and on-site maintenance personnel.

4. Quality management: Comprehensive tracking of product quality in production, testing, and logistics

Realize traceability of materials and prevent the occurrence of responsibility shifting issues.

5. Contract data management:

Multidimensional customer review, providing warnings and limiting shipments when reaching limits; Utilize data bus technology to gather and analyze various business data to assist decision-making.

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