
Ensure the product quality of the concrete mixing plant

Ensure the product quality of the concrete mixing plant

In order to effectively ensure that the quality of concrete products meets national standards and customer requirements, mixing plant enterprises should establish a sound quality management system, implement responsibilities to each production link, and conduct quality testing and recording of the produced concrete products.

1、 Establish a comprehensive quality management system. This includes clarifying the responsible departments and personnel for quality management, developing corresponding quality management systems and operating procedures, conducting quality training and education, etc., to ensure that employees in the mixing plant area have corresponding quality management knowledge and skills. At the same time, enterprises should also strengthen the management of production equipment and processes, ensure the normal operation of equipment, stable process parameters, and reduce the occurrence of quality problems.

2、 Implement responsibility at every stage. For example, in the process of producing concrete, it is necessary to conduct quality testing on raw materials and strictly control various process parameters during the production process to ensure that the concrete mix ratio, mixing time, mixing strength and other indicators meet national standards and customer requirements.

3、 Conduct quality testing and record keeping on the produced concrete products. For example, before leaving the factory, it is necessary to conduct comprehensive testing on each batch of concrete products, record the testing results, and provide corresponding testing reports to customers. For unqualified products, enterprises should take timely measures to deal with them and prevent them from entering the market.

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