
Ensure the quality of the mixing plant by inspecting important components

Ensure the quality of the mixing plant by inspecting important components

Currently, concrete mixing plants are widely used in the construction machinery industry, and there are many components of concrete mixing plants. Therefore, the quality of concrete mixing plants can be ensured by inspecting important components inside the plant.

One is to inspect the vibrating screen of the concrete mixer, check the quality of the building steel bars used, the specifications of the screen, and the precision of installation.

Secondly, check the transmission device of the concrete mixing plant to see if it operates smoothly and if there are any abnormal noises.

The third is to check the transmission systems of the belt conveyor, bucket elevator, and discharge door to ensure that these important systems are stable, operate flexibly, and the braking system is effective without any abnormal noise or chain jamming.

The fourth is to check the measurement system software of the concrete mixing plant, which is also very important, mainly to check the comprehensive sensitivity and accuracy of the measurement.

The fifth is the reducer of the concrete mixing plant to ensure that the temperature on the certificate of conformity is reached; At the same time, the measuring hopper of the concrete mixing plant should also be checked to ensure that the incoming and outgoing materials of the measuring hopper are smooth and there is no phenomenon of material leakage or overflow.

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