
How to integrate the concept of green development into the entire process of engineering construction

How to integrate the concept of green development into the entire process of engineering construction

Currently, the concept of green development is gradually being integrated into the entire process of engineering construction, and various regions and industries are gradually exploring the path of green construction development to help the construction machinery industry achieve the "dual carbon" goals. Implementing the concept of green development, planning and planning are the key.

For the discharge of waste at the construction site, drainage ditches can be set up on roads and material storage areas, from which construction wastewater can flow into the tertiary sedimentation tank. After regular testing and meeting the standards, the wastewater can be discharged into the municipal sewage pipeline network. At the same time, a rainwater collection, treatment and reuse system protective shed is set up on the construction site. After the rainwater is collected and processed in a series, it can be used for sprinkler irrigation and construction water on the construction site.

In response to the noise pollution at the construction site, not only can advanced machinery and low-noise equipment be used for construction, but also machinery and equipment that generate significant noise can be arranged as far away from the office area, living area, and surrounding residential areas as possible. In addition, sound-absorbing and noise reducing sheds can be set up for equipment locations with high noise levels such as concrete conveying pumps and chainsaws, greatly reducing operational noise.

Through a series of measures, it can effectively reduce the generation of construction waste, save the use of building materials, and embellish the construction environment, achieving the effect of killing three birds with one stone. Therefore, practicing the concept of green development and implementing green construction not only ensures the construction site and surrounding environment, improves the quality and efficiency of on-site management, but also promotes the quality and quantity of construction for workers.

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