
Huite takes you to learn about the sand and gravel separator in the mixing plant equipment

Huite takes you to learn about the sand and gravel separator in the mixing plant equipment

As an efficient concrete technology equipment, sand and gravel separators are widely used in fields such as construction and road construction. Its emergence has greatly improved work efficiency and reduced waste of human resources. In addition, it has also played a positive role in environmental protection.

The working principle of the concrete sand and gravel separator is to use the force of hydraulic impact and mechanical vibration to separate the sand and gravel on the surface of the concrete from water, thereby effectively achieving the recycling and utilization of sand and gravel. The sand and gravel separator mainly consists of the following four systems: feeding system, flushing system, vibration system, and wastewater treatment system. Among them, the feeding system transports concrete fragments into the interior of the machine; The flushing system uses high-pressure water spraying to clean the mud on the surface of the concrete, while separating the sand and gravel from the water; The vibration system achieves the separation and elimination of sand and gravel by adjusting the vibration frequency and amplitude; The wastewater treatment system is used to treat the separated wastewater, removing solid particles and pollutants to ensure that the discharge of wastewater meets environmental standards.

In the field of construction engineering, the use of sand and gravel separators has also brought many beneficial effects. Firstly, it effectively improves work efficiency; Secondly, it effectively reduces the waste of human resources; Finally, it has also played a certain positive role in environmental protection.


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