
Notes on the installation and maintenance of concrete mixer blades

Notes on the installation and maintenance of concrete mixer blades

As one of the important accessories of concrete mixers, the mixing blade of the mixer is driven by the mixing shaft to rotate during operation, forcing the material to undergo forced mixing such as shearing, rolling, squeezing, and kneading according to the predetermined trajectory. This causes the material to be uniformly mixed in intense relative motion, which also accelerates the loss of the mixing blade in repeated friction. Therefore, for mixing blades, installation and maintenance work is particularly important.

The installation and maintenance of mixing blades can be done from the following perspectives.

One is idling before work

Before each shift change, the mixer should be idle for two to three minutes to check whether the mixing blades are firm and normal. And during idle operation, relevant maintenance and construction personnel should try to stay away from the outlet direction of the mixer as much as possible to avoid casualties caused by parts flying out.

The second is the control of material selection

For concrete materials, screening work should be carried out before mixing, including inspection of small issues such as the size, properties, and pH of the formula materials, to avoid unnecessary corrosion of concrete blades caused by improper materials.

Thirdly, listening during work

During the entire mixing process, close attention should be paid to the sound, speed, and operating strength of the mixer blades to prevent accidents such as breakage.

The fourth is cleaning after work

After each mixing is completed, the blades of the concrete mixer must be cleaned to remove any dirt on the blades; Secondly, it is necessary to regularly add lubricating oil between the bearings and blades of the mixer, as well as between the blades and the petioles of the mixer. Especially, rust removal and rust removal treatment should be carried out on the blades of the mixer to avoid rusting and corrosion caused by improper maintenance.

Fifth, regular inspections

Regular inspection and treatment should be carried out on the wear of concrete mixer blades to increase their wear resistance. Once abnormalities are found, they should be promptly handled and recorded.

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