
Preventing Common Quality Problems in Concrete Mixing Plants

Preventing Common Quality Problems in Concrete Mixing Plants

During the construction of a mixing plant on a construction site, there are often some common engineering quality problems that cannot be avoided, but preventive measures can be taken.

When the concrete at the mixing plant site appears honeycomb like, that is, the concrete structure becomes loose, there is less cement mortar, there are more stones, and there are honeycomb like holes with similar gaps between the stones, which may be caused by the following reasons.

1. The concrete mixing time did not reach the specified time, or during the mixing process, it was not fully mixed and evenly proportioned, resulting in poor adhesion of the concrete and insufficient vibration strength.

2. In the early stage, if the concrete mix ratio is unreasonable, it can also lead to honeycomb like eyes in the concrete.

When cutting, if it is too high or the cutting is unreasonable, it can lead to false setting of the stone cement mortar.

When the gap between the templates is not fully sealed, it is easy to cause concrete problems when cement mortar flows out.

5. In addition, when the stone particles used are too large or the collapse is too small, corresponding engineering quality problems may also occur.

How to prevent is crucial!

1. It is necessary to fully design a reasonable concrete mix ratio and conduct regular inspections to ensure the accuracy of measurements.

2. It is necessary to achieve uniform mixing, appropriate slump, select appropriate vibration force, and ensure that the gaps in the formwork are blocked and compacted.

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