
Basic points of control system for concrete mixing plant

Basic points of control system for concrete mixing plant

Regarding the control system of the concrete mixing plant, the following basic points are mainly considered:

1. Smooth and reliable operation. When constructing a concrete mixing plant, it is necessary to fully consider the surrounding environment of the mixing plant site, as factors such as temperature and humidity, dust, and mechanical vibration can have a significant impact on the control system in the actual working environment. In addition, when designing control systems, manufacturers must also fully consider the division of labor and interaction between software and hardware, and achieve other auxiliary functions such as data protection and hardware fault tolerance. The power supply, grounding, and filtering of the system should also be processed accordingly.

2. Implement an intelligent control system. The entire process of batching in concrete mixing plants must minimize manual control and maximize the level of system intelligence.

3. Implement a compact structure. When designing control systems for concrete mixing plants, they need to have the advantage of small size, as well as being conducive to disassembly, installation, and transportation.

4. Implement convenient operations. When operating the batching system software on the mixing plant site, it is necessary to fully consider the user-friendly interface, industrial touch screen, and good identification of various components to achieve convenient appearance design and practical operation.

5. Implement flexible modifications. Flexible changes in raw material and hopper names allow users to combine local or personal habits to change the names of raw materials and hoppers, making production and manufacturing more convenient and with higher safety factors.

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