
Management Regulations on Concrete Mixing Plants

Management Regulations on Concrete Mixing Plants

On the site of the concrete mixing plant, while ensuring the integrity of various internal mechanical equipment, it is necessary to establish unified preparation and management regulations for operators, mechanical equipment, maintenance personnel, and concrete mixing plant formulas, striving to take responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of each equipment in the concrete mixing plant.

1. The operation of concrete mixing plant equipment must be strictly carried out in accordance with the user manual, and illegal operations are prohibited. During use, personal safety and equipment stability must be ensured, and overloading is not allowed.

2. The concrete mixing plant should ensure the requirements for construction quality, use existing mechanical equipment of the concrete mixing plant, improve economic benefits, and adapt to the needs of production plans.

3. The operators on site of the concrete mixing plant must hold relevant certificates for work. Personnel without learning and training or operating certificates are not allowed to operate mechanical equipment. Equipment operators with professional qualifications must carefully read the equipment manual before operation, and work wholeheartedly during operation to ensure the normal operation of mechanical equipment.

4. The equipment of the concrete mixing plant must strictly follow the rules and regulations of "two determinations and three guarantees" (job allocation, responsibility allocation, application, maintenance, and storage), and the on-site operators must also be stable and cannot be replaced every three days.

5. The operators on site of the concrete mixing plant must achieve "three understandings" (understanding structure, basic principles, and characteristics) and "four understandings" (knowing how to use, maintain, inspect, and detect faults), strictly follow the safety production technical operation specifications to use mechanical equipment, and carry out equipment maintenance according to regulations.

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