
Effectively improving the quality control of concrete in the mixing plant

Effectively improving the quality control of concrete in the mixing plant

The overall development of concrete mixing plants in China is showing a trend of diversification and informatization, and it is possible to continuously innovate new mixing technologies and equipment. In the process of fully improving concrete mixing efficiency, it is also necessary to continuously improve the existing mixing system, thereby promoting the long-term and stable development of China's construction industry and creating a higher quality service system.

1. Improve the control of raw materials

In order to effectively ensure the strength of concrete, it is necessary to control the source of raw materials for concrete. At the same time, control the temperature performance of bulk concrete by combining procurement channels with actual needs. Conduct a comprehensive and systematic evaluation of the setting time, strength, and stability of concrete materials. Effectively controlling the quality of concrete requires special attention to the fineness of aggregates.

2. Control the concrete mix ratio well

The engineering design and control technology of concrete mix proportions must be achieved through repeated practice and experimentation, in order to achieve the final application results. In the coordination problem, the first thing to consider is the various technical parameters of the raw materials. This includes the hardness and purity of concrete, as well as the impurity concentration of sand and gravel materials. Therefore, in the future workflow, regardless of whether the ratio accuracy requirements are met, regular inspection work should be combined to ensure a highly scientific and reasonable level of mix design and management.

3. Pay attention to on-site supervision of mixing plants

Relevant units should strengthen the inspection of concrete manufacturing units and quality inspection departments. After passing the inspection, mass production can be carried out. In order to meet the demand for concrete construction quality in various industries, it is necessary to monitor the entire production and supply stage. So, to strengthen the monitoring of production and supply, it is required that each process be effective and scientific.

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