
The basic mixing plant treatment method that you must be able to use

The basic mixing plant treatment method that you must be able to use

Firstly, when the motor of the mixer fails to start properly, the compressed air detection signal can be checked. Secondly, the connection signal of the maintenance protection switch of the mixing host can be checked to see if there is a signal. Thirdly, the emergency stop switch on the operation console can be checked to see if it is reset, the power switch of the host is connected, and the stop button of the host is reset.

Secondly, when the batching machine of the mixing plant does not unload the aggregates after weighing, the first step is to check whether the valve of the waiting hopper is stuck or not closed properly. Secondly, check whether the belt conveyor has been started. Finally, check whether the precise weighing door of the aggregates is closed properly.

Thirdly, when the inclined belt conveyor in the mixing plant fails to start properly, it can be checked whether the maintenance stop switch of the belt conveyor has been reset, whether the power switch has been connected, and whether the stop button switch of the inclined belt conveyor has been reset.

Fourthly, when the aggregate weighing hopper of the mixing plant does not feed, it is necessary to carefully check the closing position of the unloading door of the weighing hopper, the weighing signal output by the instrument, and the output signal of the PLC.

When there is a problem of belt deviation, multiple methods such as adjusting the tensioning mechanism, adjusting the drum, adjusting the roller support (or frame), and adjusting the gravity can be used to adjust the problem of belt machine deviation, thereby improving productivity and ensuring the normal operation of the entire equipment.

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