
Measures to improve the stability of concrete strength

Measures to improve the stability of concrete strength

In the process of quality control in concrete production, there may be certain fluctuations. So, certain measures need to be taken to ensure the stability of concrete strength.

1. Quality control of raw materials

Including quality control of cement, aggregates, fly ash, and admixtures. Different formulas should be designed according to different strengths of cement, and cement with low water demand should also be selected. The applicability of cement and admixtures is good; In terms of aggregate control, the main focus is on controlling the stone powder content, particle size distribution, needle like content, sand fineness modulus, and mud content of the crushed stone; The quality control of fly ash mainly focuses on fineness, water demand ratio, loss on ignition, compressive strength ratio, etc., and the quality should be stable; In terms of admixture control, it is necessary to control the water reduction rate, compressive strength ratio, gas content, etc. of the admixture and maintain relative stability.

2. Quality control of the production process

Production control mainly starts from three aspects: water cement ratio, slump, and sand ratio. In the production process, controlling the water cement ratio is very important. On the other hand, it is also necessary to strictly control the slump of concrete and maintain a good sand ratio.

3. Production and maintenance of standard test blocks

The production and curing of test blocks also have a significant impact on the strength of concrete. The molding method of concrete should be determined based on the consistency of the concrete mixture, and the sampling should be representative to a certain extent. If there is a significant deviation between the slump, sand ratio, etc. and the design requirements, it should be discarded and re sampled.

4. Breakage of test blocks

After the formed test block reaches its age, pressure testing should be carried out. Before pressure testing, attention should be paid to whether the test piece is damaged, and the size of its compression surface should be measured to ensure the accuracy of the test results.

Note: The article is based on concrete language, authored by Ding Lianjie. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it. Thank you.


